Despite the heat, we enjoyed the tour, the guide was very knowledgeable and quite passionate about the site; it was evident he felt the destruction of the Hampi temples quite keenly, even though it happened about 450 years ago. We did pick up an extra member of the tour partway through, a solo female backpacker who seemed fairly interesting, but her unfortunate proclivity for ranting at the locals made me keep my distance. I'll let a few of the photos do the talking now.
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Underground temple. This was completely buried until 1960s I believe. |
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Queen's summer palace. Well water sent through pipes built into the walls kept it cool. |
Interestingly, the historical, religious, and sexual
elements of the culture were integrated in the temple carvings. Please avert your eyes if you are under the
age of 18, or my parents.
By midday, we had all nearly melted into the pavement, so we
headed back. At which point things got
exciting when Jon nearly pedaled himself into an early grave. Whizzing down a hill with 10% breaking power,
a rickshaw pulled out in front of him.
Jon dinged his bell furiously.
Collision felt imminent, and in that moment, I would like to imagine Jon
thought, “Hmm, it was really responsible of my woman to perform extensive
research into the most suitable travel insurance policy available to us. I think I made a wise investment decision
when I put a ring on that.” But, behold,
the power of the bell manifested itself, and Jon skirted pass the rickshaw with
two whole inches to spare. (Please note,
the retelling of said incident is not as dramatic as the incident itself. I wanted to have Morgan Freeman narrate, but
he was not returning my calls. Again.)
Before the big payout. |
By the end of the tour, we were seriously short on cash. This situation arose because I drink water like a camel and that shiz ain’t free, the bank was closed with some crazy opening hours, and the undeniable fact that we are notoriously bad for keeping cash on hand. When the bank opened, we discovered they (a) did not exchange other forms of currency which we had thoughtfully stored away for such thoughtless emergencies, and (b) did not possess a cashpoint/ATM. So we had to travel 12km to the nearest cashpoint. Thankfully, our rickshaw driver was a gambling man, because we told him if the cashpoint didn’t pay us, we wouldn’t be paying him. We hit jackpot on our second ATM, and there was much rejoicing all around.
After lunch and some R&R, we headed out for dinner at a rooftop restaurant, where we had to bid adieu to Koen, as our new friend was pushing on toward Bangalore. The next morning we planned to get up early to visit Hampi’s Children’s Trust, a school for some of the kids in the area, followed by some more sightseeing.
After getting to sleep sometime after midnight, things got a
little crazy in the predawn hours. I
awoke to find Jon flopping around like a fish, which I promptly ignored. It was only when he stuck his head under the
mosquito net and began flailing about that I became interested in what might
provoke such peculiar nocturnal activities.
(In the interest of providing an unbiased account of said activities,
Jon, for the record, stated he was not “floppy like a fish” but rather, he was
“tense, alert, and ready to hide behind me.”)
Um, yeah, so at this point, you might be wondering what
could make the typically calm and collected Jon behave so? Oh, he might just be underreacting to an
intruder in the room. One with four
legs, a tail, and a suspiciously simian stance.
MONKEY (!!!?!!!?!!!?!!!?!!!) Naturally,
I immediately thought, “Does the monkey intend to rob us?” Because you never know, some of them look
really shifty. And some of them have a
pretty big banana habit to subsidize.
Whilst we did shell out 180 GBP for rabies vaccinations, I had no real
desire to test their effectiveness.
I decided the best course of action was to shoo the monkey,
which consisted of me shrieking in a terrified voice, “Monkey, go away! Monkey, go away!” This was, of course, completely
ineffective. So Jon grabbed the bull by
the horns (monkey by its tail?) and retreated from the safety of the bed to hit
the light switch. Partly because he was
closer to the light switch, but mostly because there was no way in hell I was
going to do it. When the lights flickered on, we discovered that monkeys are
not the only creatures with four legs and a tail and fondness for climbing through
windows. Cats apparently possess these
traits as well. (Jon opened the door,
and the would-be cat-burglar shot out of the room like somebody lit a
firecracker under it. Poor thing!)
Needless to say, it was a rough night’s sleep after
that. After our visit to Hampi
Children’s Trust, we headed off to Vitthala Temple, which featured musical pillars
and a stone chariot whose wheels—at one point in time—actually moved. It was a lovely walk there due to the myriad
temple ruins that littered the site, the scenic beauty of the walk, and the
fact that a lovely little old lady with a kiosk up the road from our guesthouse
hooked us up with some bottles of frozen
(She knew a junkie when she saw one.
As soon as we started walking down the road, she’d start rummaging
around in her freezer for some sweet sweet bottles of the good stuff.)
We saw some more baby monkeys (!!!), who were adorable, and—thankfully—not in our room.
We saw some more baby monkeys (!!!), who were adorable, and—thankfully—not in our room.
On the walk home, we ran into some really stupid
people. A couple of guys had a motorbike
accident, which was apparently related to the lack of braking abilities on
their motorbike. One of the guys had a
fairly serious looking wound on his foot, and the two of them were both rather
bloodied. Jon was able to put his first
aide skills into action, (winning!) but
his patients were less than cooperative.
After figuring out a course of action that best suited the situation at
hand (i.e. a rickshaw takes them to a doctor while a bystander phoned their
rental company and returned the bike), we tried to communicate this to them as
effectively as possible. While the badly
injured guy may have been in a bit of shock, the other seemed fine, yet he
apparently took umbrage with logical reasoning. Fending off additional attempts at
assistance, they climbed back on the
brakeless motorbike, and drove off into the sunset where, presumably, they
still occupy a place of residence in the gene pool.
On the whole, we really
enjoyed our time in Hampi. Yes, it
was quite hot, but the natural beauty of the site combined with the fantastic
ruins really made for a wonderful experience.
I’ve got two more posts in the pipeline before I hand the microphone
back to Jon, who will do his best to raise the overall tone of this blog…he’s
classy like that. Well, relatively
speaking. In the meantime, we offer the photos below.