bus journey from Munnar down through the mountains and West to Kochi
would probably have been quite pleasant had it not been for the
increasing drama caused by Monique's ill-advised decision to
consume copious quantities of water before leaving, producing an
urgent need to pass that same water shortly thereafter. This
situation wasn't helped by the combination of winding switchbacks and
bumpy roads, placing additional strain on Monique's bladder. The
world seemed to be conspiring against Monique – the continuous rain
outside, the numerous waterfalls we passed, our water bottle sloshing
about under our feet and and one person inexplicably pouring a 2
litre bottle of water out over the steps to the bus. Luckily the bus
reached a stopping point just
in time after a countdown that seemed to last forever; Monique
hobbled off the bus and was lead to the toilets by a helpful
passenger. I was alarmed to see the bus set off with our bags still
on it just after I had disembarked, but thankfully the same helpful
passenger informed us that it was just refueling and would return
shortly, and then waited with us to make sure we got back on the
right bus even though, as it turned out, he wasn't actually getting
back on the bus himself – yet another super friendly person we have
encountered in India.
that drama the remainder of the journey passed smoothly. We arrived
in Ernakulum and made a quick transition to a local bus to Fort
Cochin where we planned to stay. For some reason both Monique and I
had assumed that Kochi was a fairly sizeable city, and would
therefore include the usual Indian city chaos and noise. We were
therefore pleasantly surprised to discover that Fort Cochin is a tiny
sleepy little place with plenty of green spaces with with huge old
trees and kids playing football and cricket almost around the clock
(irrespective of the weather and way past the point at which I would
have thought it possible to see a cricket ball).
had prepared ourselves for the temperature to increase after spending
the majority of the previous week at altitude, but what we had not
prepared for was the significant increase in humidity as we moved to
the coast which sapped our energy. What was slightly more disruptive
was our first meeting with the monsoon season. As a Brit I am
extremely familiar with rain, however the rain I am most familiar
with is the sort of grey drizzle which can, and sometimes does,
persist for days on end. In the monsoon season when it rains, it
really rains; water falls straight out of the sky in sheets and roads
flood within minutes. Luckily the rains in Kochi were fairly
predicable – a heavy downpour mid-morning and another in the late
afternoon/early evening; consequently as long as you can avoid being
out at those times, and you don't mind getting your feet wet in
between, it isn't too problematic. We only got caught out once when
we got soaked within minutes and were forced to take cover with some
vegetable pakoras.
interesting feature of Kochi that took a couple of days to get used
to are the scheduled power cuts to conserve electricity. For one
hour each morning, and one hour each evening the electricity goes out
completely meaning no lighting inside or out, no power and, worst of
all, no internet! In addition the cuts are staggered throughout the
various parts of the city so potentially if you are moving in the
wrong direction you can go without any power for quite some time (a
restaurant owner told us a humourous story of a tourist he met who
was strolling through the town and became convinced that there was
something wrong with him because the electricity went out at each
place at which he arrived). The combination of torrential rain and a
lack of street lightening is potentially very dangerous, however we
managed to avoid the worst of it by treating the power cuts as nap
first full day was a bit of an admin day. We made use of the decent
internet connection at our guesthouse to catch up on some stuff, and
we took a ferry trip back to Ernakulam to order some prescription
sunglasses for Monique (to replace the ones stolen by the Goan waves)
and bought a watch that I needed (having discovered that Kochi has
one of the few HMT watch showrooms in India).
spent the next few days ambling round Fort Cochin, checking out the
few sights, including the Dutch Palace, the Synagogue and the Museum
of Folklore (essentially a collection of various cool looking
artefacts in a nice wooden building) and becoming familiar with the
snail-like pace of life.
Cochin is at the northern tip of an island and has a beach to the
West (albeit not a very pretty one), an area of chinese fishing nets
at the Northern point, and various harbours and ferry stations going
round to the East side. In the middle is a web of narrow streets
with various restaurants, interesting shops (where it is actually a
pleasure to look at the various handicrafts and where we were
actually tempted to buy souvenirs for the first time) and guesthouses
interspersed with green areas.

also discovered a new negotiating tactic with rickshaw drivers in the
area. A couple of very open drivers made it clear to us that if we
allowed them to take us to certain government backed tourist shops
for a quick browse then they would get a kick-back even if we don't
buy anything, and our fare would be reduced. After some
investigation it seems like the deal is that they get a token for one
litre of fuel, which is worth about 70 rupees. This knowledge gave
rise to such successful negotiations as “We're not going to pay you
anything but we'll let you take us to one shop”.
anywhere else we have visited in India so far Kochi has a really
artsy vibe with loads of really impressive street art. Those of you
who know me will know that street art is an interest of mine so really enjoyed spending a good amount of time trying
to seek out the best pieces I could find.
also discovered a local artist whose work (impressionist street
scenes) we really liked, and after some consideration we purchased
two small paintings which we then sent home (after a bit of a run-in
with a guy offering parcel wrapping services). Unfortunately we
don't have any walls to hang those paintings on at present, but that
is a minor technical issue at present.
throughout the peaceful, relaxed, artsy vibe something just wasn't
right. Something that neither of us could put our finger on for a
while. And then it dawned on us – there were no cows! After our
first couple of weeks when every sighting of a cow wandering down a
road was reason to comment and whip out our cameras the sight had
become so ubiquitous that we had stopped taking much notice of them
any more. However for some reason there didn't seem to be a single
cow in Fort Cochin. Perhaps cows aren't allowed on the ferry?
Instead of cows Fort Cochin has goats. Hundreds of them. They hang
about in gangs (which appeared to be slip between the Black Tails and
the While Tails, although a few brave ones seemed to have crossed the
divide) playfully milling about the streets before rushing into shops
en masse to loot it for whatever edibles they can find (when they're not being fed by Monique that is!).

spent one evening at a traditional Keralan Kathakali “Cultural
Show” which was really unique. Before the show we were able to
watch one of the actors first applying his own make-up, and then
having the remainder of his make-up, and various curved and layered
pieces of cardboard, applied for him by his assistant (a deaf and
mute gentleman who had been a make-up artist for many years). The
transition from normal person to a larger-than-life cartoon-like
character was striking.

show, which involved two actors and three musicians, started with a
demonstration of the traditional eye and hand positions. Next was a
demonstration of the traditional ways in which emotions are portrayed
in which the actor (a male actor with an incredibly expressive face
playing a particularly unattractive female role) singled me out to
demonstrate flirting, much to Monique's amusement. They then played
out a rather drawn out scene from a play in which the female
character is actually a male in disguise and attempts to woo a king
but eventually ends up being killed by him. The whole experience was
really interesting, but if it takes 40 minutes to play out a scene
like that, then I don't think I could handle the full experience.

that evening we had dinner at what had become our “usual” (a good
restaurant with a super-friendly owner who Monique wanted to take
with us when we left) with an American guy named Joe who we had met
at the show and who had been working in a hospital in Hyderabad (not
the one which Monique had been admitted to) for a month as an eye
surgeon. He gave us some really interesting insights into the
medical practices he had encountered in India (e.g. regular power
cuts during surgery). Suffice to say that the best advice remains
not to get ill in India!
only drama of any note in Kochi was our encounter with a rather
inebriated young Indian girl one evening. When we were walking along
in the drizzle and dark (power cuts again), said girl coasted past us
on her bike, clipped a parked car and fell over. After watching fall
over in the road as she tried to re-mount, I went to help her up;
given the darkness, there was significant danger of her being run
over as she lay in the road.
Indeed, two cars were approaching from opposite directions, and it
was a tense couple of moments.
It very quickly became apparent that she was absolutely hammered
after being plied with drinks by a group of guys. After walking with
her for a while she assured us that her guesthouse was extremely
close by and promised she would not attempt to ride her bike again if
we left her to make her own way back. As soon as she could no longer
see us, she promptly turned around, got on her bike and (as we stood
watching) rode her bike diagonally across the road and into a ditch.
We then spent the next 20 minutes of so walking with her along the
unlit roads until she found her guesthouse and her grateful friends.
In hindsight it was pretty funny, but it could definitely have ended
badly wrong for her. After years of living in Birmingham city centre
no act of drunkenness should come as a shock to me; I guess the fact
that this constitutes drama speaks volumes for how quiet and relaxed
a place Fort Cochin is.
we could happily have spent another couple of days in Kochi wondering
around and napping through monsoon downpours and power cuts we
thought it best to move on before our pace of living became
permanently decreased to the point at which we would have to
seriously reconsider our travel plans.