seeing the goats was awesome, the experience at the park was not so
great. We were pressured into purchasing a 5k trekking tour in
addition to the 1k walk that was standard with entry. Obviously,
this was at a much higher price, partly because they added 'service
fees' that were, conveniently, not listed on the pricing sheet. The
tour in the park was, frankly, quite bad. Our tour guide was only
interested in shortcuts (maybe we walked 3k total at a push), and
there was a definite language boundary. It seemed like the only
information he could provide was the fact that the park is 94 square
kilometers and there are 2000 wild goats. And he provided these
facts over and over again. If you tried to ask other questions about
the goats feeding habits, the other wild animals in the park, etc.,
the answer was always “94 square kilometers.” To be honest, it
was a bit comical. (A quick look at wiki later on answered a bit of
my questions and revealed these animals are genetically more similar
to sheep than other wild goats.) However, the price of entry and the
hassles of the 'tour' was well worth it, because we did get to spot
many of the gentle beasts, an exciting moment to say the least. (As
Jon said, this is probably the closest he will ever be to an
endangered animal in the wild.) So, let's focus on the best bits
now, the scenery and those cute little goat faces!!
park is also home to the Nilgiri flowers, which bloom once every 12
years. We couldn't have been much farther from seeing the blossoms,
as the next season is due in 2018. Interestingly, the indigenous
people who lived in the area counted their age and other important
life events according to the Nilgiri 'calendar.' The photos of the
flowers covering the mountain do look really pretty, and I bet it
would make a spectacular sight.
making friends with the goats, we headed off to some waterfalls...joining about half of India there! It was a bit of lively fun to watch the families splash about, while others seemed to use the time for a bit of introspection.
We then spent some time soaking up a few more views until the clouds rolled in. Apparently, we had been really lucky, as it is often overcast at this time of year. So hooray for that! After a few hours of sight seeing, we lazily coasted back to the city centre...our driver always cut the engine on the downhill trips, which was good for gas prices, good for the environment and good for us because it led to a more relaxing pace and a quieter journey!
We then spent some time soaking up a few more views until the clouds rolled in. Apparently, we had been really lucky, as it is often overcast at this time of year. So hooray for that! After a few hours of sight seeing, we lazily coasted back to the city centre...our driver always cut the engine on the downhill trips, which was good for gas prices, good for the environment and good for us because it led to a more relaxing pace and a quieter journey!
evening, we partook of the mediation on offer at our hostel, which
was quite nice and relaxing. The accompanying chanting took me aback
somewhat, but I was able to suppress my giggles...for the most part.
Our last day in Munnar was a bit lazy, which helped us recover from
the stress of getting to Kerala (which wasn't entirely minor) and our
early morning tours. After sleeping in, we planned our exit before
heading off to a tea museum, where—much to our complete shock—Jon
discovered he was, in fact, a fan of tea. Cardamon tea to be
specific, which is pretty delicious. It was interesting to see how
they make it, and we both have an appreciation for how labor
intensive the tea making process is.
Tea break! |
we strolled back to our guesthouse, Jon stopped to get a shave and
his first Indian head massage, which described as, “being slapped
around the head by an is old man, but in a way that is much better
than it sounds.” We then booked a room for Kochi and headed off to
dinner at our favorite restaurant in town with Chris, an outgoing
German guy who was staying in the room next to us. After a few drinks
at a bar farther outside of town, we headed back home to pack our
things for our departure the following day. As sad as we were to
leave Munnar, I was somewhat relieved to leave our guesthouse.
Unfortunately, there was a faulty pipe fitting in the shower that
meant a steady (and super smelly) stream of air from the drain filled
the bathroom. It was enough to give one Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder. On that note, I should probably stop talking now.
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